12 Kinds of Videos Your Viewers Will Love in 2021

Getting heard is getting harder, and having a strong digital presence has never been more important.

Whether you want to build culture, increase online presence, or win customers, video outperforms all other media in getting viewed and remembered and should be part of your current marketing strategy.

Don't get caught thinking only of traditional, high-cost video productions. Videos come in all kinds of styles and price points—some less than you've paid for a traditional print ad.

Here are some popular options to consider:

1. Interview

Pros: This unscripted style can make a leader's message more personal or bring to life a customer testimonial, like the example above. See our interview packages at three different price points here.

2. Brand Story

This is the perfect tool for showing the why—as well as the people, vision, and places—behind your brand. See another sample here.

3. Zoom

Can’t do in-person interviews? Zoom-based videos offer an affordable and fast alternative when you still need to communicate important information.

4. Scaled-Up Presentations

Reinterpret your PowerPoint presentation by building it as a video rich with visuals and music.

5. Explainer Video

Video is the easiest way to explain something simply and keep your audience engaged.

6. Soundless Video

With so many viewers watching videos in public spaces, this format allows them to get the full message with visuals only. And if there’s a narration involved, closed captions provide a great option for soundless viewing.

7. Animated Infographic

Custom illustrations bring snack-sized content to life, and can be done in any style. See more here.

8. Online Event

Some of our clients are finding that virtual event videos are resulting in greater engagement than in-person events because it allows viewers to attend on their terms—and their time frame.

9. Business Update

Video can help you stay in touch with customers, even when you can’t meet in person.

10. Product Video

Let your customer explore the features and benefits of your product or service from the comfort of their own location while they’re still in the evaluation phase.

11. Recruitment Video

Prospective employees are online and considering you as an employer based on what they find on your website and social media. First impressions matter, so make your case via video and do it better than your competitors to increase your prospects.

12. Micro-documentary Video

This style is ideal for fund-raising, brand messaging, internal culture-building, and honoring your supporters, employees, or donors. By drawing attention to the values and the why behind your work, others inside and outside of your organization will be inspired to give to, join, or support your business or cause.

Wondering how video can help your brand get noticed?